a) Radfems/Terfs are transphobic.
Well, this kind of depends on the definition of transphobia. While many of us, including me, are vocally critical of the trans movement, I know of no case were physical harm was done or trans people were prohibited to marry or something like that. So yes, you could say I am transphobic in the sense that I do not believe transitioning is the solution to dysphoria. I do not believe people can be born in the “wrong body.” However, I am not transphobic in the sense that I go out of my way to threaten or harm trans people, to limit their access to education or healthcare, or otherwise breach their personal dignity.
Also I’d like to add that terf is not a name we gave ourselves, but rather the modern version of “feminazi.”
when we say trans women are male and trans men are female, we are not saying they deserve to be discriminated against or that their dysphoria doesn’t matter. we are saying biology exists and matters in certain contexts.
when we say we won’t date trans women because we’re lesbians, we are not saying trans women don’t deserve to have happy, fulfilling relationships. we are saying that we are not romantically or sexually attracted to them and so that neither of us would have a happy, fulfilling relationship if we dated.
when we say we are gender critical, we are not saying everyone should be gender-conforming. we are saying the opposite, that men and women should be free to dress and act however they like instead of being forced into certain gender roles based on their sex.
when we say female-only safe spaces are important, we are not saying trans-only or mixed safe spaces aren’t also important. we are saying that based on our biology, women have certain shared experiences and face specific oppression that we deserve to be able to discuss among ourselves.
when we say one thing and you hear another, that isn’t our fault. when you’re ready to listen to what we actually believe or to have a genuine discussion, we’ll still be here.
medical transition DID NOT HELP.
well, dysphoria is a mental illness. wanting to cut off parts of your body, having panic attacks when you undress or look at the mirror, those are not normal nor healthy things. dysphoria should be treated in therapy, exploring why you feel this way and the roots of it. allowing these people to undergo incredibly dangerous procedures & take pills which mess with their body is not healthy nor ethical. as i said this should be cured in therapy not with surgeries. because telling dysphoric people (who are suffering from a mental disorder) that they should undergo unnecessary medical procedures to ease their discomfort with reality is wrong. if anything, it'll make it worse. dysphoria is discomfort with reality. the solution is to change that discomfort, not "change" reality. it's literally a stunt that only benefits pharmaceutical companies.
instead of encouraging irreversible and often harmful procedures, why don't we actually help dysphoric people for once?
if a cis woman claimed she would kill herself if she didn't get a boob job out of body dysmorphia, it's pretty easy to say that this woman would be mentally troubled. the solution wouldn't be indulgence, it would be HELP. now what really is the difference between this hypothetical woman and a trans person saying they would kill themself if they didn't get "dysphoria-reducing" SRS? both are mentally troubled (both suffer from intense discomfort with the realities of their bodies), but suddenly medica intervention is good for the latter? what sense does this make?
Negative effects of puberty blockers because they don’t fix dysphoria and have horrible long term side effects:
- What are puberty blockers?
- Puberty blockers do not alleviate negative thoughts in children with gender dysphoria, finds study
- Link
- Here is a list of instances of trans women sexually assaulting women and girls, many in women’s restrooms
- another trans women crimes list
For MRA's
Some highlights
Murder and non-negligent manslaughter Male 88.7% Female 11.3%
Forcible Rape Male 99.1 Female 0.9
Aggravated assault Male 77.1 Female 22.9
Sex Offenses Male 92.2 Female 7.8
Offenses against family and children Male 73.4 Female 26.6
Tra logic hypocrisy:
“the effect of puberty are irreversible for the body therefore children must take puberty blockers”; “some months of hormones change completely the body so it’s completely fair if a trans woman competes against women in sports”
When you say that not only women can experience pregnancy, you allow misogynists to claim that that laws against abortion aren’t misogynistic, because it’s not women being harmed but just “birthing bodies”.
When you say that men can also have periods, you allow misogynists to exclude women from careers and promotions, citing that it’s not that they’re women but that they’re “uterus owners”.
You insist that we erase the language used to describe an entire sex and to define an axis of oppression in order to accomodate a tiny number of the population which, contrary to what you claim, does not suffer more from any harm or discrimination — on the contrary, you have the support of all the homophobes, misogynists, and money-hungry medical corporations in the world.
You will only suffer if you purposefully do not take care of your body. No one is stopping you from getting an abortion (for example) because you’re a trans man or enby or whatever, you just have to stop being so childishly insistent on being called something you are clearly not, stop throwing tantrums about people “validating” you, and get it. Grow a spine and get over it.
If you prioritise seeing he/him or they/them on a pamphlet over taking care of your actual (female) body, it’s your fault when you suffer for it.
womanhood is defined by being an adult human female. womanhood isnt an experience, feeling, or identity. defining woman in a way that doesnt include biological sex is an inherently sexist definition.
can we talk about the “not like other girls” to nonbinary pipeline
you asserting that you are not a woman because you are uncomfortable with or do not conform to our patriarchal gender role only serves to further the notion that all women are feminine, docile, nurturing, submissive, weak, etc.
you haven’t cast aside your shackles, you’ve just passed them off on another woman. every time a gnc female denounces womanhood the patriarchy’s perception of us is reinforced. it is much more radical to assert that a woman can be anything than it is to assert that because you are anything you are not a woman
homophobic/conversion therapy arguments that transactivists have co-opted:
lesbians date masculine women, so they should also date men
lesbians use strap ons, so they should take dick
"genital fetishist" aka "immoral homosexual"
you can change your sexuality if you just try hard enough
you just need to "get used" to sex with males
you just haven't found the right man, aka "what if you meet a transwoman and fall in love"
you're perverted for thinking that genitals/sex are necessary for a relationship
your innate, biological sexuality is morally reprehensible and if you don't change it, you will be ostracized
- terf is a slur
- Germaine Greer: Transgender women are 'not women' - BBC Newsnight
- Transgender activists assault woman at Speakers’ Corner
- Posie Parker - Woman – Adult Human Female
- Dysphoric: A Four-Part Documentary Series Part 01
- Why Sex Is Binary
- Is Sex Bimodal?
TRAs: when a trans person tells you you’re being transphobic, there’s no debate. shut up and listen.
lesbian radfems: so you’re saying that oppressed groups best know when something oppresses them/is bigoted towards them?
TRAs: yes
lesbian radfems: okay. a large part of your movement is homophobic and misogynistic.
TRAs: choke and die, terf.
I read a Men's Rights Activist Book called "Men are better than Women" because I wanted to understand their mindset.
The thing that strikes me now is how the author (name was Dick something) said "men are better at being women than women"....which is exactly what some transwomen say today. They say they're better than cis women because they're prettier, smarter, and better at performing femininity. They call us all kinds of dehumanizing words like breeds and menstruators, which is exactly the kind of language that Dick used. I'm astonished at remembering this.
I just can't believe how similar TRAs are to MRAs.
The Implicit Sexism of Validation Through Misogyny
they desire to be seen as women and since women are sex objects being treated as a sex object is validation. This shows that transwomen not only acknowledge that women are oppressed but desire to promote women’s oppression so that they can fetishize it.
There is a reason women don’t enjoy their oppression despite everything w’ve been told pressuring us to desiree it. Oppressed groups do not desire their oppression, it’s insulting to use our lived experiences as fodder for validation, especially that which upholds the status quo. It places the feelings of a individual above the oppression of an entire group and asks “why can’t you too desire your subjugation, you’re role as the lesser class?” Transwomen are “better at being women” because they define women the same way as other men, objects for male consumption, and revel in an oppression they’ve never had to truly live with.
“Transwomen are “better at being women” because they define women the same way as other men, objects for male consumption, and revel in an oppression they’ve never had to truly live with.“ !!!
“Trans feelings are always more important than cis tears”
Someone felt as though pride month was an excuse to post this statement. This is a direct reply to people in the trans community who believe this, and my last time exhaustively explaining why the trans community is toxic.
First of all, your identity is your own personal business. It is nobody’s responsibility to validate your identity, especially when that identity relies on no logical reasoning. You do not have the right to coerce anyone into being intimate with you under the threat of the label “transphobic”, a label that is destroying careers and social lives around the world, and causes anyone who hears it to feel fear. Doing so is no different than a woman coercing a gay man to sleep with her to prove he is not sexist, or a man coercing a lesbian into sleeping with him just to see if she might like it. Homosexuality and Heterosexuality are not bigoted “preferences”. They are sexual orientations based on natural feelings of attraction to the same sex or to the opposite sex, they are deserving of respect. Homosexual people in particular have fought to have their orientations be respected and recognised, they don’t need to give the opposite sex a try to spare someone’s feelings. Lesbian does not need to be redefined as “a penis repulsed non man attracted to a vagina having non man” gay does not have to be redefined as “vagina repulsed man” Gay rights were not founded on the basis of simple “preferences” by gay activists. They are not disgusting, hateful, or bigoted for not being attracted to you. Trans people need to find partners who are attracted to them without threats and coercion.
“Cis tears” are very real, they are the tears of gay men and lesbians around the world who are being coerced into relationships and sex they do not want, either to satisfy a heterosexual society or to satisfy trans feelings (or both). If people are crying because they do not want to have sex with you, and you say you’re feelings on the matter are more important than yours, you are either enacting rape yourself or being a rape apologist. Gay and lesbian people are under more pressure than straight people are to placate trans peoples demands. They’re expected to welcome them into their limited communities and spaces, and they do, because LGB people as a whole have a capacity to be extremely welcoming and kind, probably because we know what discrimination feels like. Society gives in to demands, pronouns announced by every single person, new names, changing rooms, toilets, sport scholarships, cosmetic surgeries, passport sex changes, pronouns published in the newspaper, new laws made, and any dissenters outcast by all. LGB people are by your side accomplishing all of this. Then, we hear cries of a cotton ceiling, a barrier to sex, stopping you from gender validation....through sex. We have every reason to be angry with you.
This is where it gets controversial but it needs to be said. “Cis tears” are real, they are the tears of coercive rape, but “trans feelings”? They are intangible, undefinable, ephemeral, have infinite definitions, no logical basis, and contradict each other. Gender is an undefinable oppressive concept, biological sex is a simple neutral reality. The trans community seems to hate each other because the ideology of trans feelings is so incredibly vague and sensitive, see: (“transtrender, transmed, tucute, truscum”). The only solution they can offer is “everyone is valid” because that way they don’t need to make any stance upsetting anyone or do any thought provoking work. The phrase is a pacifier. Any explanations I have heard are sexist (defining feminine vs masculine brains), racist (claiming indigenous people have no natural understanding of sexual dimorphism) exploiting people troubled with mental illness (simply using suicidal thoughts and self hate as evidence of dysphoria) or even exploiting people with hormone and/or chromosome disorders (intersex men and women). Listen to me carefully, as they are now, trans feelings are clamouring for recognition by exploiting everything around them, they will never be satisfied.
So straight people, gay people, lesbian people, all have conflicts with trans ideology. What about bisexuals? I am a bisexual woman myself and I realise I have a privilege in the fact I won’t be accused of a hateful “genital preference”, i shamefully used to take solace in that. But, my community has been fractured by trans feelings. The community has been divided into bisexual vs pansexual based on “feelings” of what gender identity and attraction means. Pansexuality was invented to satisfy every possible trans feeling, even though the “bisexual manifesto” tried so hard to redefine bisexuality for you. Even if you don’t say it clearly, you are demanding that everyone behave as this brand new identity pansexual.
Hopefully this pride month, gay, lesbian, and bisexual people can have actual pride in their natural, un-bigoted sexual orientations, and not have to prioritise anyone else’s sad feelings over their own happiness.
“It is nobody’s responsibility to validate your identity, especially when that identity relies on no logical reasoning